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The Late Sam Shepard. Bloomsbury-Methuen, London: 2016.


Wes Craven: Interviews. University Press of Mississippi, Oxford: 2019.





“To Fail….and To Fail Interestingly”: Edward Albee, Sam Shepard and The Playwrights Unit”    2020

in New Perspectives in Edward Albee Studies, edited by John Clum. Published by Brill.


“Sam Shepard and Tragedy” in Visions of Tragedy in Modern American Drama,                          2018

edited by David Palmer. Published by Bloomsbury.




 “Ex Machina.” Comics Through Time: An Historical Encyclopedia of Comics.              2014

Greenwood Press.         

“Swamp Thing.” Comics Through Time: An Historical Encyclopedia of Comics.           2014

Greenwood Press.

“What If?” Comics Through Time: An Historical Encyclopedia of Comics.                        2014

Greenwood Press.

“Y: The Last Man.” Comics Through Time: An Historical Encyclopedia of Comics.        2014

Greenwood Press.

“Three Shadows.” The Encyclopedia of the Graphic Novel. Salem Press.                         2013

“The Ramones.” The Encyclopedia American Music and Culture. ABC-CLIO.                 2013

“Talking Heads.” The Encyclopedia American Music and Culture. ABC-CLIO.                 2013

“Woody & Arlo Guthrie.” The Encyclopedia American Music and Culture. ABC-CLIO.  2013

“Willie Nelson.” The Encyclopedia American Music and Culture. ABC-CLIO.                    2013

“Secret Wars.” The Encyclopedia of the Graphic Novel. Salem Press.                                 2012

“Marvel Zombies.” The Encyclopedia of the Graphic Novel. Salem Press.                          2012

“Tricked.” The Encyclopedia of the Graphic Novel. Salem Press.                                            2012



The Supernatural Sublime by Claudia Schaefer. Cinej Cinema Journal.                            2020

Comics and Pop Culture by Barry Keith Grant and Scott Henderson. Choice.                2020

The Origins of the Film Star System by Andrew Shail. Choice.                                                2020

Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving Pictures by Adina Hoffman. Choice.                          2019

The Circus by Jacob Pascal. Choice.                                                                                                  2019

The Meaning of The Circus by Paul Bouissac. Choice.                                                                2019

The Films of Clint Eastwood: Critical Perspectives. Choice.                                                      2018

Horror Film: A Critical Introduction by Murray Leeder. Choice.                                                2018

Why Horror Seduces by Mathias F. Clasen. Choice.                                                                     2018

Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance by Creedon. Comparative Drama. 2017

A Theory of Narrative Drawing by Simon Grennan. Choice.                                                      2017

Hitchcock’s Moral Gaze by Palmer, Pettey, and Sanders. Choice.                                         2017

Hidden Hitchcock by D.A. Miller. Choice.                                                                                            2017

The Architecture of David Lynch by Richard Martin. Cinej Cinema Journal.                      2016

Acting Companies and their Plays in Shakespeare's London by Siobhan Keenan. Choice 2015

David Mamet and American Macho by Arthur Holmberg. Choice.                                          2015

Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s by David Roche. Choice.              2015

SAW (Devil's Advocates) by Ben Poole. The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.              2015

Going to Pieces by Adam Rockoff. The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.                       2014

The Real Toy Story: Inside the Ruthless Battle for America's Youngest Consumers.       2009

The Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 42, No. 4. August.

Gaming as Culture by J. Patrick Williams, Sean Q. Hendricks, and W. Keith Winkler.     2008

The Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 41, No. 1. February.

Alternate Americas: Science Fiction Film and American Culture by M. Keith Booker.    2007

The Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 40, No. 1. February.                                                          

Performing Glam Rock by Philip Auslander.                                                                                      2006

The Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 39, No. 6. December.

The Films of Kenneth Branagh by Samuel Crowl.                                                                           2006

Theatre Journal Vol. 58, No. 4. December.       

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